Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Why I chose to home school part 2

Another reason I chose to home school was because of the research and information I learned about Common Core.  First I will say that whether or not Common Core is good, it is power that belongs locally, not to the Federal government.  I as the parent of my children should have a say in what they are taught.  Common Core takes that power away from parents as far as public schools are concerned, and home schooling is my way of taking it back.  There shouldn't even be a Department of Education in the Federal Government, but I know it has been around for a while now.  That's a battle for the American people that has already been lost.

There are many examples of why and how Common Core is bad, and I leave it to the reader to do their own research and draw their own conclusions.  I am not here to debate the matter.  I researched and found it to be not good for my family.  I found that it is designed to raise a generation of followers.  People who will blindly obey the orders of the government without discerning whether they are right or wrong, just or unjust. People who think the government's job is to give them stuff and provide for their needs, rather than protect their right to get up and provide for their own needs.  And I want to raise Leaders.  People who can think for themselves, who know the difference between right and wrong, and are willing to lead out in standing for the right.

The problem with American education is not that there isn't enough standardized testing, it is that there is too much.  The problem isn't that we need more government involvement, it is that we already have way too much government involvement.  Read A Thomas Jefferson Education.  It will open your eyes if you let it.

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